“It takes a village to raise a child”
African Proverb 

As parents, it can be an emotional experience to realize that we cannot single-handedly ‘do it all’ for our children. In fact, the older our children get, the more a parent may come to realize that juggling the day-to-day tasks while maintaining a career can sometimes be nothing short of a miracle.

This is why it is our belief that an entire community of people must interact with children for those children to grow in a safe and healthy environment which is the essence of the African Proverb.

It is for this reason that the multi-disciplinary centre at 44 Main St. in Milton evolved. Our community approach extends beyond the Town of Milton, but to surrounding areas of the Halton region as well as spanning services across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and as far reaching as norther Ontario where remote areas do not have access to local services.

Venue Booking

There are two rooms available for the community to rent on a per hour basis in our building at 44 Main Street, Milton.

HearSay is proud to fundraise, sponsor and support organizations within our community.